A Toronto restaurant is providing free meals to those in need at a time when food inflation is high and food banks are overflowing.
Located in the heart of Leslieville, Samaira’s Kitchen, at 1056 Queen St. E, is a family-owned business serving up homestyle pizzas, burgers and Italian dishes.
In an interview with Now Toronto, restaurant owner and chef Rajesh Chamoli describes the pay-it-forward initiative and why he was inspired to launch it.
“My friend and I, we were just sitting and we’re having a conversation, what’s going around, and everybody’s struggling with everything. And it’s like, let’s do something which we can do, very small, and we’re giving back to the community,” he said.
So far, the restaurant has given out 465 free meals as of Wednesday. At first, the meals consisted of burgers and fries, then it became breakfast sandwiches and now, he is providing panzerottis. Every day, they prepare at least 30 free meals, which are communicated to residents using meal tickets displayed on the restaurant’s windows.
He explains that as a small business owner, he felt that he had the resources and capability to make an impact and help those who are dealing with financial strain, even if it was a miniscule contribution.
Earlier this month, the Daily Bread Food Bank and North York Harvest Food Bank released its annual “Who’s Hungry” report detailing the effects of food insecurity in the city. This year’s report revealed one in 10 Torontonians are now relying on food banks, twice as many as the year prior.
“…The food inflation, people are working two or three jobs, people who are already vulnerable, who are already homeless, people who are already depending on the food banks, and then food banks are having crisis. So, it’s like, all those negativities coming around, and the chef, you have a little bit of responsibility towards the society,” he said.
He believes there is power and emotion tied with food and in turn, could really touch a person’s soul.
“I can’t express in the words, I mean, the food has the power of bringing joy and smiles to the peoples’ face, tears to the peoples’ face, a good way and it’s just amazing,” he said.
Chamoli says hundreds of people from the community have shown up to his door, such as members from the Jack Layton Seniors Housing building next door and residents from the South Riverdale neighbourhood..
“I think this is what Canadians are about. This is what I learned, and the last 13 or 14 years, I’m in Canada, we always say Canadians are so great. And this is a Canadian thing to do to give away. And this is the power of giving away when you see the joy and how one lady was just holding, keep holding my hand saying ‘God bless you and thank you for doing that,’” he shared.
For now, the restaurant owner has no plans of stopping this initiative any time soon. He says he will continue doing it as long as they are able to.
If people would like to donate and participate in the cause, they can either pre-purchase the meals on their website or in-person at the restaurant.